On the occasion of the exhibition ORO by Fabrizio Plessi – currently being held at Rifugio Digitale since April 14 and organized in collaboration with TornabuoniArte and the publisher Forma Edizioni – on Friday June 10, 2022 at 7 p.m. A special event will take place entitled ORO Makes You Digital! devoted to the concept of NFTs, during which tokens of the work, reproduced on a limited scale will be offered for sale.
Starting on June 10 and until the end of the exhibition, scheduled to close on Friday June 24, an open edition of 14 days will be held, during which time it will be possible to purchase tokens of the work ORO by Fabrizio Plessi, reproduced in limited edition. Purchasers of the work through the Ethereum network will buy a token that will then be delivered to the buyer in the form of an NFT starting Saturday, June 25. NFTs (acronym for non-fungible token) are certificates that confirm the authenticity, uniqueness and ownership of a digital object. The expected purchase value of the numbered reproductions is 0.5 ETH (approximately $1000.00).
The tokens can be purchase via the dedicated page of the website rifugiodigitale.it or directly at Rifugio Digitale, accompanied by informative documentation.
Oro Makes You Digital! marks the beginning of Rifugio Digitale’s process of education on the subject of CryptoArt and the methods of acquisition of works of art in NFT form, and for this purpose it is taking advantage of the presence of Antonio Tomassini, author of the book “Cryptocurrencies, NFTs and the Metaverse, and of Andrea Pantaleo who will explain the procedure for acquisition of the work and its significance in legal terms.
Oro makes you digital !
10 – 24 giugno 2022
Rifugio Digitale
via della Fornace 41
Firenze, 50125

ORO makes you digital! OPEN EDITION – NFT
All profits from the sale of the NFTs will be donated to the association IPSE Group (Italian Pediatric Status Epilepticus). The IPSE Group is made up of neurologists, pediatric neuropsychiatrists and intensive care specialists from eleven Italian hospitals, as well as physicians employed in emergency-urgent care treatment who share a particular interest and experience in the management of the epileptic condition, a neurological emergency that can have very dangerous and even fatal outcomes.
The group, established in 2014 to perform a national non-profit clinical study on the status of treatment for the epileptic condition in pediatric patients, is also a supporter, in collaboration with the Italian National Health Institute, of the creation of a national epilepsy registry. Dr. Anna Rosati and Dr. Manuela L’Erario of the Anna Meyer University Hospital of Florence will speak at the inauguration, to illustrate the goals and aims of the IPSE Group.