Memoire Temporelle

Kalpesh Lathigra

OPENING: 4 aprile 2024, presso Rifugio Digitale

April 4 – May 12, 2024 | Wed.-Sat. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

On cover: © Kalpesh Lathigra.

From April 4 to May 12, 2024 Rifugio Digitale presents the exhibition Memoire Temporelle by photographer Kalpesh Lathigra, which is the third stage of the exhibition cycle dedicated to contemporary photography Homecoming, conceived by Irene Alison and curated by Irene Alison and Paolo Cagnacci. The event is organized in collaboration with Forma Edizioni and the Infoto Firenze Association and thanks to the support of Gruppo AF and Banca Ifigest. The opening will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the presence of the artist and curators.
In conjunction with the exhibition, also on April 4, Kalpesh Lathigra will give a lecture – in dialogue with Irene Alison and curated by Paolo Cagnacci – at Bottega InFoto space on Leonardo Bruni Street from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

From the day of the opening, it will also be possible to consult the catalog of available works by Kalpesh Lathigra on the Forma Edizioni website.

Kalpesh Lathigra, Remnants, 2019.

Meet the artist


Kalpesh Lathigra is a British Indian artist born in 1971 in Forest Gate, a suburb of East London. He is a documentary photographer, concerned with the democratisation of both the real and the ‘staged’ image. In 2000 he received the 1st prize of the “World Press Photo”, a prestigious award for photojournalism, and in 2003 he undertook a project documenting the lives of widows in India, receiving the “W.Eugene Smith Fellowship” and the “Churchill Fellowship”. In 2014 he was awarded a ‘Lightwork Residency’ by the Brighton Photo Biennial to produce, in collaboration with South African artist Thabiso Sekgala, a cycle of photographs entitled A Return to Elsewhere. A project aimed at investigating Indian communities in Marabastad and Laudium in South Africa and Brighton in the UK, studying their history, memory and loss of civilisation. His first book ‘Lost in the Wilderness’, published in 2015, contains a corpus of photographs dedicated to the Oglala Sioux and Pine Ridge Indian reservations, and has been defined by critic Sean O’Hagan as ‘one of the photographic books of the year’.

In photo: Kalpesh Lathigra.

Curatorial text by Irene Alison

The theme of roots, the search for oneself across the time and space of memory, lies at the heart of the process we decided to undertake with our Homecoming cycle, conceived by Irene Alison for Rifugio Digitale and entirely devoted to contemporary photography. The third event of this cycle, the exhibition Memoire Temporelle by the British photographer of Indian origin, Kalpesh Lathigra, is curated by Irene Alison and Paolo Cagnacci, and is a voyage within the voyage. Indeed, if Homecoming, means an exploration of the concept of ‘home‘, in the precarious balance between global interconnection and the need to rediscover one’s own place in the world, that of Lathigra is a backward look, at the distant land that ties him to his ancestral culture. From England, where he was born, to India, where his parents came from.

Along the way – a return that has the flavor of a discovery – Lathigra experiences the existential condition of suspension between past and present, between identity and heredity, which is common to millions of second- generation immigrants in the world. In the markets, amid the crowds and mounded goods, surrounded by sacred cows and bare-torsoed wrestlers, dancers of break dance and pomegranate sellers and, at the same time, seeing with new eyes a country that binds him to a complex, unbreakable relationship. Is his fascination with India nostalgia for a life he never lived, or it is the feeling of belonging written in the blood and on the skin? Intimate, carnal, seductive, dusty, hot and colorful, the Indian metropolis unfolds lavishly before his lens, clinging always to part of its mystery, in the deep shadows, in the rustle of palm fronds, in the swaying rainbows of gold-fringed saris, in the horizons above Bombay, where the line between the sky and the sea appears indistinct on account of the smog and twilight, or perhaps because the eyes are dimmed by melancholy.


  • April 03 at 8 p.m.: dinner-preview by invitation only with Kalpesh Lathigra, curators Irene Alison and Paolo Cagnacci
    by invitation only

  • April 04, 12 noon: press conference with Kalpesh Lathigra and curators Irene Alison and Paolo Cagnacci
    free entrance

  • April 04 from 3,30 p.m. to 4,30 p.m. at La Bottega di Infoto at 4 Leonardo Bruni Street: lecture with Kalpesh Lathigra in dialogue with curator Irene Alison
    free entrance subject to availability

  • April 04, 6:30 p.m.: exhibition opening with Kalpesh Lathigra and curators Irene Alison and Paolo Cagnacci
    free entrance

  • April 04-May 12, 2024, Wed.-Sat. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.: tours of the exhibition
    free entrance; reservation required for guided tours

Useful Materials


ARTRIBUNE, 05.04.2024


FIRENZETODAY, 04.04.2024

LA NAZIONE, 05.04.2024

Interview with Kalpesh Lathigra
curated by Irene Alison

Learn about our reality and that of our partners

Rifugio Digitale is an exhibition space inside an anti-aircraft tunnel that aims to be a place dedicated to the promotion of digital art, where architecture, design, photography, cinema, literature and all the other multiple artistic and expressive forms also find their own dimension by dialoguing with each other. The cultural proposals and events that we welcome in our space are the result of a great work of collaboration and research between subjects and realities of the territory with which we share perspectives and objectives.

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Foto Pietro Savorelli e Associati. P.Iva 07207190484